1. Accounting in Tally.ERP 9 (ATA)
2. Inventory in Tally.ERP9
3. Master in VAT & CST (MVC)
4. Master in TDS (MT)
2. MS-Word
3. MS-Excel
4. Ms-Power Point
5. Internet
» First register yourself at the TallyAcademy online portal (membership is Free). Click here to Register
» Make the necessary payment depending on the tests you want to take (How to make a payment to Tally Academy)
» After making the payment , please send the following details to test@tallyacademy.co
» Your Full Name (As you want it to appear in the certificate), contact number and address
» Email that you used to register at the Tally Academy Portal
» Details of payment made, Cheque Number, Bank Name, Date
» The topics that you want to get tested/certified for
» After the confirmation of payment, your online exam ID along with the procedure to take the Online Tally Test will be sent to you by email.
» Your exam Id will be valid for a complete week from the date of issue. So you will have to appear for the online test at anytime you so desire within that week.
» Exam result (%) will appear as soon as you complete the online Tally Test.
» You will have to score an average 50% to pass the test
» The printed score card/certificate will be issued and couriered to your postal address, within fortnight form the day of exam.
» The validity of the certificate is 2 years.
There are two ways to make a payment to Tally Academy ... Send DD (Demand Draft) in favour of Tally Academy payable at Kolkata at following address:
1 Patuatola Lane Kolkata - 700009
Near : Calcutta University
Opposite :College Square Kolkata Corporation
Direct transfer the fund via NEFT / direct deposit in the bank details mention below:
Name of The Bank - STATE BANK OF INDIA
Account No : 39888011526
Branch Code - 03496
MICR Code - 700002099
IFSC Code - SBIN0003496
All you need is efficiency and professionalism! 'Online Examination' is an online Exam that evaluates your proficiency on Tally product modules such as Accounting, Finance, Inventory, VAT, CST, TDS, POS, Payroll etc. These tests have been structured and designed by Tally experts to ensure that the curriculum is always current & market facing.
The Online Examination serves as a tool to showcase your expertise on Tally.ERP 9. The Examination also help you identify potential areas of improvement and assist you to build on your strengths.
Get a Certificate on one or more topics of Tally & Accounting and prove your credentials!